Sunday, September 27, 2009

We're Not Dead!!!

I swear to you that the development of LANded as a series and living entity is thriving!

For the first time since the reading, Aaron and I are going to sit down and discuss further revisions to the scripted material... via video chat (isn't technology wonderful?!).  As you've read in previous blogs, we have begun approaching the material from different angles to gain new perspective and solidify characters and their relationships.  Even taking into account that the presented script was a drastic abbreviation of the full story, there were glaring holes in our conveyance of the story.  This new view has led us to adopt new strategies in structure and style which may sound drastic (and it is) but we wholeheartedly feel that it is for the better.  

Each new step that we take in the development process has made it easier for us to explore this parallel world.  As much as the characters have developed from our own minds, they are becoming more real and seem to write the stories for themselves... and for a show about imaginary friends existing in the real world, we have begun to question ourselves accordingly.  By the time filming takes place we may be institutionalized!

The current viral campaign has kept me sidelined in a sense, but the creative process hasn't stopped in the least.  I can't wait to dive back into revisions, development, critiques, and this huge game of "Yes, and..." that seems to be our writing process.
Furthermore, I have been promised some sort of musical preview of a new song stemming from one of Aaron's TADs (a writing exercise he's been doing for several months now) and we are awaiting a rough cut of Christian's rapping debut... Yes, you read correctly.

Intrigued?  So are we - and also a bit nervous... For a social delinquent, he sure does have a sense of ambition!