Friday, December 12, 2008


Well, would you look at that?

The past week has been a sort of steamrolling experience for LAN'ded. Kyle and I talked about how the series was moving forward and a number of exciting possibilities were brought forward. I'd gush about them but I'd rather just continue working on what we've already locked down. So far we're looking at 6-7 episodes with an (ever-growing) cast of about 10-12. There's many re-occuring characters, and what's really amazing about going to a theatre school is looking around and seeing people that mirror who you write about.

I'll admit, it is very difficult not to just write for one person or another but if that's where the inspiration comes from, why push it away?


It's so...weird (great word right?) to consider making a Facebook Event for the readings the next big step forward. In talking to the Playhouse folks, we've decided that the only feasible time to have a staged reading of any kind would be late Feb or early March. I have always admired the playhouse for housing independent projects like ETP's amazing "Dotty Dot: The Musical" and other shenanigans, so I hope we don't disappoint them. So we've got a space, now we just need actors. Only 2-3 people have been approached to play parts in the readings, but we do need a few zombies and vampires...

Yes, there will be zombies and vampires. Episode 3 is almost pulled straight out of a horror movie. Can you blame me though? What's more fun than the undead?

We'll also need a puppeteer for the project, two maybe. With Kyle on the road, our usual puppeteer choice is out...hmm...the search continues.


I admire the amount of support people are giving me for this project as well. It's funny, people here are really supportive and I find that their enthusiasm rubs off on me and I just want to keep writing and working on this. Hopefully all this hard work pays off.

I gave Kyle publishing options for the blog as well, so if you see him chime in, take a second and look at his other projects he's working on at the moment at and at

~ Aaron J.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Don't admire the Playhouse for Dotty Dot, admire ETP!!!